Fort Ostell Museum
The Museum is open from the Victoria Day (May 22) long weekend until to August 31.
Hours of Operation:
We are Wheelchair Accessible
Welcome to the Fort Ostell Museum.
Here you will find information about our programs, events, and the museum in
The museum is home to over 10000 artifacts, it can also serve as a place for meetings, gatherings, special events, group tours and traveling exhibits. In the past it has hosted events such as the Senior's Tea, Pie In Centennial Park and A Tribute To the Welsh.
Mission Statement: The Fort Ostell Museum Society is a non-profit organization that collects, conserves, researches and exhibits the unique story of Ponoka's history, including the early natives, Fort Ostell, experiences of the settlers and the care of the mentally ill in Alberta.
Summer Events
Aug 1 - Heritage day for Youth Centre
Stay tuned for more events
Links to other Museums